It's Monday again, and time for our next "Grab and Go" coupon.
We hope you liked seeing all our flannels pictured last week,
because this week we're offering 25% off all Moda flannels!!!
We also want to invite you to join our Facebook Page
where we have started
"Post and Boast"
We are having lots of fun posting photos of our 1st quilts.
The quilt at the end of the month with the most "likes"
will win a $10 gift certificate to The Pine Needle.
This fun idea is a result of a term Sandi Ray used to call "Bring and Brag."
Since not everyone can bring their quilts into the shop to brag about them,
we thought we'd start a way to "Post and Boast" about them online.
We also know that some of you don't want to be part of Facebook.
You can join the fun by emailing us a photo of your first quilt
and we will put it in our Parade of Quilts slide show here on our blog.
And just in case you haven't received yours yet... our new catalog is out!
It's filled with lots of fun classes, kits and project ideas.
Check out "What's New for Winter" for a peak inside.
Thank you foor sharing