Shh.... We're having our "While the Cat's Away" special this week.
Geri and the Pinecones are going to Puyallup, WA for the Sew Expo this week
while the rest of us hold down the homefront.
Here in the Portland area,
we're hoping to say goodbye to winter's snow and ice
and hello to spring.
With that in mind, this week,
all flannel on the bolt is 30% off with our Grab and Go coupon.
We have many beautiful flannels left in stock - here are just a few.
If you're absolutely done with winter, check out this new line.
Anna Griffin, famous for her paper design, is now working in fabric.
"Fifi and Fido" is reminiscent of the 50's and fresh for Spring.
And here's our Grab and Go coupon for bolted flannel.